Saturday, October 3, 2009


As the day has grown old to its age,

The night is abloom with youth and beauty,

We came closer and entwined to one

But then destiny came amidst,

Success invoked my man’s ego,

And glory bonded you with aspirations

Our ways separated, dreams shattered,

No one was to be blamed, but the situation,

I ignored sagacious friends,

I was running away from salvation

Undoing the thought of the wad which was missing,

I continued my voyage without defining the destination,

I won the battle but then realized,

I was on my own to share that surprise,

As for which I gave my whole life,

It was actually a fool’s paradise,

It cost me my life’s biggest treasure,

For it cost me her indeed,

Yes! Now I meant something to world,

But meaning of life without her was Incomplete

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